Remote Healing Request from John of God
What is a Remote Healing/Photo Visit?
During a photo visit someone physically presents your photo or that of your loved one to John of God during one of his work sessions at the Casa.
During this time he is incorporated with one of the spirits that assist him in his mission.
The Spirit will briefly regard the photo and either:
Keeps the photo for further energetic interaction.
Return the Photo with a prescription for herbal supplement
Mark the photo with an "X" to call the person to Brazil for a spiritual intervention.
(Usually this also includess a prescription for a Passiflora Herbal Supplement)
Occasionally he may also verbally invite the person in the photo to visit him in Brazil.
This is a more general invitation and it does not mean he sees the need for an intervention.
During a photo visit someone physically presents your photo or that of your loved one to John of God during one of his work sessions at the Casa.
During this time he is incorporated with one of the spirits that assist him in his mission.
The Spirit will briefly regard the photo and either:
Keeps the photo for further energetic interaction.
Return the Photo with a prescription for herbal supplement
Mark the photo with an "X" to call the person to Brazil for a spiritual intervention.
(Usually this also includess a prescription for a Passiflora Herbal Supplement)
Occasionally he may also verbally invite the person in the photo to visit him in Brazil.
This is a more general invitation and it does not mean he sees the need for an intervention.